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Franklin’s Bells

Franklin’s Bells

Franklin's Bells DiagramIn 1752 Benjamin Franklin was experimenting with one of his inventions, the lightning rod. Using the setup shown on the left Franklin was able collect electrostatic charges from the wind above his house. No known images exist of the original setup used, but this is the most common method used to reproduce the effects he describes.

This electrostatic device was actually invented in 1742 by a German professor named Andrew Gordon. Gordon’s Bells were the first device that converted electrical energy into mechanical energy in the form of a repeating mechanical motion, opening the doors for a variety of modern technology, from security alarms to school bells.

Two metal bells are suspended on insulating (dielectric) supports. One bell is electrically connected to the earth and the other is connected to a lightning rod. A metallic ball is suspended between the bells by a dielectric thread. The lightning rod would allow charge to build up on the bell which would then attract the metallic ball. When the ball hits the first bell it will become charged to the same potential and therefore will be repelled again. Since the opposite bell is charged oppositely this will also attract the ball towards it. When the ball touches the second bell the charge is transferred and the process repeats.

Franklin himself wrote that sometimes the bells would ring when there was only a dark cloud above and no obvious thunder and lightning. A nearby lightning flash could cause the bells so stop ringing immediately. At other times the bells would be silent until a nearby flash of lightning started them ringing.

Franklin's Bells AnimationThis setup was used by Franklin to collect electric charge for use in other experiments. The amount of charge collected was sometimes so faint that after a spark between the bells it would take considerable time to charge up again. At other times a continuous stream of sparks could be obtained even at lengths of around 20cm.

These sparks could very dangerous and a direct strike to the lightning rod could cause explosions and fire. A safer version of this experiment is easy to setup by using a simulated lightning rod in the form of a high voltage DC power supply such as a Van De Graff generator or Voltage Multiplier.

If you don’t have some bells available then they can be replaced by any metal object such as a drinks can. This experiment works best if all the conductors are smooth, but a foil coated plastic ball will be ok if another type of lightweight metal ball is not available.

Diamagnetic Levitation

Diamagnetic Levitation

Diamagnetic Levitation SetupDiamagnetic materials are those that will repel magnetic fields. Many common materials such as water are diamagnetic, but the effect is usually so weak that only super strong magnetic fields will cause any noticeable effect.

The famous experiment where scientists were able to levitate small animals such as frogs used an incredibly powerful electromagnet to create a magnetic field strong enough to cause the water in the animals to be repelled. Electromagnets like this one draw huge amounts of electric current and therefore need extensive cooling. The structure its self must be very strong to prevent it from crushing its self. This makes it virtually impossible for such an experiment to be done at home or in the school science class.

The experiment shown here does not cause a diamagnetic material to levitate, but it is used to help levitate a small magnet. The diamagnetic material used is Bismuth as it is one of the best diamagnetic materials available.

Bismuth can be obtained from most ‘Lead Free’ fishing weights or gun shot. It is very similar to lead, and can be melted easily. For this experiment it is necessary to create two blocks of bismuth. When a small magnet is placed between these blocks it will experience a small force from above and below. These forces alone are too weak to lift the magnet so some larger magnets can be placed above to help counteract gravity.

The large magnets are placed on a screw mechanism so that hey can be finely adjusted in height. It will need to be carefully adjusted until the magnet begins to levitate. The space between the two pieces of Bismuth should only be a tiny bit larger then the magnet in between.

Curie Effect

Curie Effect Demonstration

Curie Effect SetupThe curie effect usually refers to a magnetic phenomenon discovered by Pierre Curie. He discovered that ferromagnetic substances exhibited a critical temperature transition, above which the substances lost their ferromagnetic behaviour. This is now known as the Curie point.

A simple experiment, often named ‘the curie effect heat engine’ is a great way do practically demonstrate this important scientific principle.

A ferrous metal object such as a screw is suspended by a length of stiff wire so that it can swing freely from left to right.

To one side of the pendulums swing, a magnet is fixed into a position where it attracts the mass on the pendulum, and holds it up preventing it from swinging. The magnet must be far enough away so that it holds the mass up, but without actually touching it.

When a heat source such as a candle is place under the ferrous mass, the temperature of the material will increase until it reaches the curie point. When this occurs the thermal noise in the material prevents it from being held by the magnet and it will swing away. This will quickly allow the mass to cool and on its return swing (or before) the magnet will pull the mass back over the heat source, causing the whole process to start again.

Magnetic Linear Accelerator

Magnetic Linear Accelerator

Magnetic AcceleratorThis experiment is a simple way of demonstrating the distribution of the field inside a solenoid and how it effects ferrous metal objects.

This experiment simply consists of a plastic or cardboard tube with a coil of wire wrapped around one end. The coil can be powered by a set of standard batteries. the more batteries used the more powerful the magnetic field will be.

The tube used to for the coil around should be quite narrow. The case of a pen such as a biro is ideal. You can try using different sized batteries and different numbers of turns on the coil to produce different strength fields.

When a metal object is placed part way into the coil it is ready for firing. The metal should be ferrous (sticks to a magnet) and quite small. A metal rod of about 2 – 3mm wide and 10 – 20mm long is best. Something like a small nail or a screw with the head cut off should work fine. If a small rod magnet is used, it will work much better but make sure it’s inserted the right way around, or it could backfire.

To fire the coil gun you simply tap the switch. If you press it for too long, the projectile will either stop in the middle or come back out the wrong end. You can practice different methods and different coil and battery sizes to see what results you get. An alternative firing method would be to use a circuit such as the PWM-OCX which can give repeated pulses or a time you can set yourself.

For higher speed projectiles, it is possible to  use multiple coils and fire them in sequence so that each one will further accelerate the projectile. Each successive pulse must be shorter than the previous one due to the projectile spending less time in the acceleration region. If the pulses were too long, they would drag the projectile back, slowing it down. Our 3 channel time delay generator could be used for controlling the pulse timing to a transistor on each coil.

Heat and Resistivity

Thermal Effects on Resistance

Temperature Vs ResistanceThe temperature affects the dimensions of the conductor; a higher temperature causes an expansion in a material while a colder temperature causes a contraction. And with this expansion/contraction a change in resistance occurs as a thicker wire has less resistance to current flow than a thinner one. Materials used as conductors typically tend to increase their resistance with a temperature increase while insulators have the adverse effect. Materials used as insulators often only exhibit a drop in resistance at very high temperatures meaning they usually don’t encounter temperatures high enough though typical use. Because of this these changes cannot all be attributed to the change in dimensions. In fact the resistance change is mainly due to the temperature affecting the atomic structure of the material, causing a change in the resistivity of the material.

The flow of current through a material is the movement of electrons. Electrons move under the influence of a magnetic field, they are negatively charged particles making them attracted by a positive electric charge. Therefore an electric potential can be applied to the conductor to move the electrons atom to atom towards the positive terminal. Not all electrons can migrate however, current is the movement of free electrons and the effectivity of an insulator or a conductor depends on the number of free electrons (a good conductor should have many free electrons while a good insulator should have few).

The effect heat has on an atomic scale is causing the atoms to vibrate, the higher the temperature, the more violent the vibration.

In a conductor the vibrations cause the many free electrons to collide with the captive electrons and other free electrons. These collisions use up some of the energy stored in the free electrons which in turn increases the resistance to current flow. Therefore increasing temperature of a conductor increases the resistance.

An insulator is different; the low number of free electrons means very little current can flow. Most of the electrons are tightly bound to their respective atom. Heating will still cause vibration; these vibrations however will cause significantly less collisions. If heated enough the vibrations may actually become violent enough to shake some electrons free, creating free electrons to carry a current. Therefore increasing the temperature of an insulator decreases the resistance.

This graph shows the measured resistance of a solenoid under varying temperatures.

Frozen CoilAny normal conductor will see a drop in resistance with a drop in temperature. With a small range of temperatures like shown here the effect is almost linear. The wiggles in the graph are due to inaccurate data generated by the measurement process.

To demonstrate this you need a solenoid of at least several hundred turns, an ohm meter or multi meter, and some freezer spray.

The resistance of the solenoid used for this test was 6.3 Ohms at room temperature. To increase the temperature of the coil it can simply be connected to a battery and allowed to heat up. The temperature was measured using an infrared thermometer.

You could cool the solenoid in a standard freezer to about -20, but it would take a while so we used some freezer spray to get quicker results. The lowest resistance from our coil was just 4.8 Ohms whereas the highest was 8.2 Ohms.

Reducing the resistance of a coil means that a higher current can be drawn from the same source of EMF (volts). This means that the magnetic field it produces can be much stronger. When the temperature of a conductor drops below a certain level its resistance will suddenly drop to near zero. Under these conditions this is known as a superconductor. Superconducting electromagnets are used in MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) machines so that ultra-strong magnetic fields can be produced. These usually have to be cooled with liquid nitrogen and require a lot of power.



Ferrofluids are made from a suspension of tiny magnetic particles in a liquid such as water or oil. Such a mixture creates a liquid that can be attracted by a magnetic field. NASA discovered Ferrofluids at one of their research centers in the 1960’s while they were looking for different methods of controlling liquids in space.

Ferrofluid StructureThe magnetic materials used are often made from iron or cobalt particles, but compounds such as manganese zinc ferrite are also used. The most common form of ferrofluid is made using particles of a type of iron oxide known as magnetite (Fe334). Making a stable Ferrofluid is not quite as simple as mixing tiny particles into a liquid. First of all the particles must be very small. The average size is around 10nm (0.00000001 meters). These particles can not be made by crushing or grinding a material, but are precipitated out of a solution during a chemical reaction.

During the precipitation the particles would naturally amalgamate (come together) due to magnetic and Van der Waals forces. To prevent this the mixture is heated so that thermal motion of the magnetite particles prevents them from sticking together. In order to prevent the particles from amalgamating after the reaction they must be kept apart from each other. This can be archived by coating each particle with another material known as a surfactant (surface active agent) to produce electrostatic or steric repulsive forces between the particles.

In an oil based ferrofluid, cis-oleic acid can be used as a suffricant. This is a long-chain hydrocarbon with a polar head that sticks to the surface of the magnetite particles. The long molecules stick out in all directions around each magnetite particle preventing them from getting close enough to stick together.

Water based (aqueous) ferrofluids often use ionic sufficants such as tetramethylammonium hydroxide. The negative hydroxide ions stick to the surface of the magnetite, and the tetramethylammonium cations form a positively charged layer around the outside. This means that the magnetite particles are held apart by the electrostatic repulsive force of the surrounding molecules.

Aqueous Ferrofluid StructureFerrofluids have several uses due to their magnetic properties. They can be used inside a magnetized bearing like an o-ring seal so that rotating shafts can pass from high to low pressure zones and vise versa. This is a much more efficient method than using solid seals as there is significantly less friction. This makes them ideal for use in submarines, rotating anode x-ray machines, disk drives, and vacuum chambers with external manipulators.

A more every day use of ferrofluid is in high quality loudspeakers. The fluid is pored into the magnetic cavity so that it surrounds the coil. This acts as a thermal conductor allowing more heat to be dissipated so that the speaker can be used at higher power. The fluid also helps to damp unwanted resonant vibrations giving an better overall sound quality.

Spikes in Ferrofluid

These images show some ferro fluid in a container with a strong magnet placed underneath. The leftmost image shows a few large spikes that are formed as the magnet approaches the container. The other images show a large number of tiny spikes produced by the intense field of a magnet up close.

The spikes form in a manner as if they are following the field lines. In a stronger magnetic field there are more filed lines hence more spikes in the ferrofluid.

If you try this yourself make sure you don’t need the container again as the ferrofluid is very staining.

Video Clips

This Video Clip shows how the spikes of fluid change as a magnet is brought closer and then taken away again. This force is so strong that a normal heavy object such as a penny would appear to float on the fluid because displaced by the liquid moving underneath.

This Video Clip shows how the spikes of ferrofluid over a magnet change as a the magnetic field is oscillated using a coil surrounding the container. Its is possible to tune the vibrating fluid to resonance causing a fine jet to be ejected upwards from the centre. The electromagnetic coil is being powered by a PWM-OCX

Magnetorheological Fluid

Magnetorheological FluidA Magneto-rheological fluid is similar to a ferrofluid in the way that there are magnetic particles suspended in a fluid medium. This type of fluid does not use nano sized particles, but they must be small enough to remain suspended in the liquid. They are typically 2 or 3 times larger than the particles in Ferrofluids and are on the micrometer scale.

The particles in a magnetorheological fluid are magnetically polarisable. This means that when an external field is applied the micron sized particles will line up and form chain like structures. the alignment of the particles will increase the viscosity of the fluid.

A simple magnetorheological fluid can be made at home. Micron sized ferrous particles can be collect from sand or lake beds. By placing a magnet in a plastic bag and dragging it through sandy sediment many particles will be separated out. Turning the bag inside out and removing it from the magnet prevents the particle from becoming permanently stuck to its surface.

These particles can be mixed with a small amount of oil such as vegetable oil. By holding a magnet to the outside of t he container and poring off excess oil you will be left with a basic magnetorheological fluid. This fluid will not remaining stable for long periods due to the lack of a suffricant, but it serves well to demonstrate the scientific principles involved.

Magnetorheological fluids are being used mostly for controlled damping of oscillations. They are ideal for use in the suspension in large vehicles. In its liquid state it will provide limited damping, but when a magnetic field is brought near to the fluid it will greatly dampen any oscillations. This means that a large mechanical force can be controlled with a much smaller mechanical force.

DIY Tesla Coil Tuner

Tesla Coil TunerA DIY Tesla Coil Tuner

By Terry Fritz

The Tesla Coil Tuner (TCT) is a simple and low cost signal source that can be used to find the resonant frequencies of the primary and secondary circuits of Tesla coils. It uses simple commonly available parts. It can be assembled in a few hours with minimal electronic skills. The cost of all the parts is about .

The TCT is simply a LMC555 IC square wave generator. An audio taper pot and a 2% polypropylene timing capacitor control the 50% duty cycle oscillator’s frequency.

A bi-color LED in series with the output senses the current being drawn and a frequency dial indicates the frequency setting.


Qty Parts
2 Sets red/black alligator clips
1 Large Control Knob
1 Bi-Colour LED
2 10uF 16v tantalum capacitors
1 LMC555 CMOS IC timer chip
1 8 pin IC socket
2 470 ohm 1/2 watt resistors
1 10K Audio taper pot with switch
1 Plastic Box
1 Battery Clip
1 Battery Holder
1 Prototype Board


There are many ways to put the TCT together and it will work fine. For those less familiar with assembling things like this, I will describe how I did it.

I selected the plastic cover and located two points on the cover. The first was two inches from the bottom and the other one inch from the top. I drilled a 1/4 inch hole at the bottom mark and enlarged it a bit to fit the 10k pot. I then snapped the little tab off the pot with pliers and mounted the pot with the 2.25 x 2.25 inch scale under the nut. I then installed the knob using the off position for alignment. I connected a 470 ohm resistor to the center leg of the pot. I drilled a 3/16 hole at the top mark and was able to force the bi-color led into it. I added a bit of epoxy to hold it in place. I also epoxied the battery holder in the bottom half of the box. I drilled two 9/64 inch holes for two 8 inch lengths of wire to act as test leads in the bottom of the box. I tied and epoxied the leads to the box and installed alligator clips to the ends.

Tesla Coil Tuner Schematic

Tesla Coil TunerI used two other alligator clips to make a 6 inch jumper to short the spark gap for primary testing.

Circuit: Snap the two circuit boards in half and solder the 8 pin socket in the center of one. Following the schematic, solder the components to the circuit boards noting that S1, R2, R3, LED1, and the battery are mounted off the board. Use hookup wire to make the needed connections and bridge the pads with solder where needed. I put leads on the board for parts off the board.

Finish wiring the top and bottom of the box together following the schematic. See the picture for how the pot leads and switch are wired.

Install the battery and assemble the box top with the four screws.

Tesla Coil Tuner cct2 Tesla Coil Tuner cct Tesla Coil Tuner sw

Tesla Coil Tuner DialCalibration:

The provided scale will be fairly close. However, if you have a frequency counter or voltmeter with that function, you can calibrate your own scale


The TCT is very easy to use for primary and secondary frequency measurements. Obviously, these test should be done will all power removed from the coil and all capacitors completely discharged! The procedures follow:

Insure all power is removed from the coil and all the capacitors are completely discharged!

Testing the TCT: To tests the TCT’s operation, connect the two test leads together. The LED should light and remain lit through the entire frequency range. Replace the battery if the light is dim.

Tesla Coil Tuner secondary coil testSecondary Fo: To test the secondary’s fundamental frequency, simply connect the TCT between the ground and the base wire from the secondary as shown below. Slowly turn the frequency through the range until the brightest spot is found. The lowest and brightest frequency spot is the fundamental. You may see the dimmer 3rd harmonic at ~3 x Fo. It is probably best to test the secondary frequency on the coil in the actual configuration since the secondary frequency is sensitive to the surrounding objects.

Tesla Col Tuner primary coil testPrimary Fo: To test the primary circuit’s frequency, simply connect the TCT across the primary cap and short the spark gap with the jumper. Slowly turn the frequency through the range until the dimmest spot is found and read the frequency on the dial. You may want to remove the secondary coil to prevent the secondary from affecting this test.

DIY Air Quality Meter

DIY Air Quality Meter & Emissions Tester

This little project shows how a simple hand held meter can be made for testing for air pollutants such as smoke and dust. It is based on the Sharp GP2Y1010AU0F sensor which measures light reflected from airborne particulates passing through the sensor. It is very similar in operation to the popular GP2Y0A21YK0F from Sharp which is used for measuring distance using reflected infrared light.

DIY Emissions Tester

This project came about as we were looking for a simple way of measuring car exhaust emissions. Searching online for other DIY Car Emission Testers did not bring up much, so we decided to create this device and share it here. There is lots of scope for improvement on this project, even in just some more advanced code for more functionality.

Emissions tester wiringWhat’s Inside?

Inside the box is the GP2Y1010AU0F sensor, a small fan, and our PDI-1 which is a simple Arduino based controller with an integrated LCD screen. The code provided should work on any compatible Arduino device such as a Nano, or Arduino Pro Mini. The advantage of the PDI-1 is simply that it already has a display, speaker, buttons, and a rotary encoder built in.

The outer enclosure is made from laser cut acrylic. If you have acress to a laser, you cam make use of the box design file provided. You might want to tweak the design a little as it did not leave much space inside for a battery. The 9V PP3 battery we used did not really give a good service life.

To get the reading, the microcontroller sends a pulse to the sensor. The sensor then takes a measurement and outputs an analogue voltage proportional to the amount of pollution detected. For a stable reading, we take multiple readings 10ms apart and then take an average value. The code then converts this value to be displayed on a graph.

Making use of the built in rotary encoder, it has been set up so that turning it adjust the scale on the graph allowing you to sort of zoom in for more precision on small changes. A single press of the encoder button will switch the graph from a bar chart, to a line graph.

Emission Test ResultsUsing The Meter to Test Car Emissions

For a good reading the sensor needs a continuous flow of air through it. To achieve this a small 40mm fan was mounted inside the box which blew air out of the underside. This created negative pressure in the box allowing the air from outside to be drawn in through the sensor. On the outside of the box a common 8mm barb pipe fitting was added which in part helps to prevent outside light interfering with the sensor and also allows for a silicone hose to be easily fitted. To take the measurements the free end of the silicone pipe was simply put into the car exhaust while observing the screen. In the image here you can see the difference in readings for clean air, the car idling, and when the engine is revved.

The reading given is currently just a number from the analogue input. To improve this project, the system could be calibrated to give an actual particle density value. However for our needs, a simple relative reading was all that was needed.

The code for this project is available here. If you have any suggestions for improvements or have your own examples, we would love to hear from you. Please post your comments using the form below.