01270 747 008 (UK)

PWM-4808 Digital Controller

The PWM-4808 is a compact and versatile controller built around the ATMega4808 microcontroller. Designed primarily for use in PWM and power control systems, this Arduino compatible controller can be used in your own custom projects or with our code as a control module for our compatible products.



The PWM-4808 can be used directly with our SSTC-OCRi for making advanced Tesla Coils, or with our CRO-2 for making automated induction heating systems. 

The board comes with optional headers that can be soldered in place for plugging the module into our circuits or a breadboard. The board can be used alone, or for visual feedback with a suitable OLED display (sold separately)

The ATMega4808 is a new chip with a range of new advanced features. Firmware is uploaded using the new UPDI system so you will need a suitable UPDI programmer for uploading any code to this board. You can find sample code, downloads and information in the Programming Section.

Select from the dropdown above if you would like it shipped pre-programmed, or just a bare board. All our standard firmware is available to download for free on the Programming Page


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