Plastic boxes, metal enclosures and more. If you need a box customizing with cutouts, vents, engraving etc, just contact us with your requirements.
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PWM Circuit Enclosure for OCX(i)
SKU: ENCL-OCXA simple laser cut enclosure for our PWM-OCX and OCXi range of Power PWM Circuits
PWM Circuit Enclosure for OCX(i)
A simple laser cut enclosure for our PWM-OCX and OCXi range of Power PWM Circuits
PWM Circuit Enclosure for OCm(i)
SKU: CWR-JarMini Storage Box
SKU: BOXMINISTPWM Circuit Enclosure for OCX(i)
A simple laser cut enclosure for our PWM-OCX and OCXi range of Power PWM Circuits
PWM Circuit Enclosure for OCX(i)
A simple laser cut enclosure for our PWM-OCX and OCXi range of Power PWM Circuits