PWM-4808 Digital Controller

AC-DC PSU Module (PCB Mounted) 24W

750W Adjustable DC Power Supply SMPS

PWM-4808 Digital Controller
SKU: N/AThe PWM-4808 is a compact and versatile controller built around the ATMega4808 microcontroller. Designed primarily for use in PWM and power control systems, this Arduino compatible controller can be used in your own custom projects or with our code as a control module for our compatible products.

Vibration & Tilt Sensor Module
SKU: SW-420Compact Vibration sensor module for Arduino and other projects

AC-DC PSU Module (PCB Mounted) 24W
SKU: psu24wSmall AC-DC PSUs for PCB mounting
Various voltages available

Step Up DC-DC Power Module 10A
Mini DC Digital Voltmeter 0 to 100V
Bipolar 1A 30V
Mini Storage Box
1N5819 Schottky Diode 40V 1A
SKU: 1N5819
PWM-4808 Digital Controller
The PWM-4808 is a compact and versatile controller built around the ATMega4808 microcontroller. Designed primarily for use in PWM and power control systems, this Arduino compatible controller can be used in your own custom projects or with our code as a control module for our compatible products.
Available on back-order

Vibration & Tilt Sensor Module
Compact Vibration sensor module for Arduino and other projects

AC-DC PSU Module (PCB Mounted) 24W
Small AC-DC PSUs for PCB mounting
Various voltages available
1 in stock

Barrier Terminal Blocks 40A 4 Way
Spring Pogo Pins P75-F (2 Point Crown)
SKU: P75-F
Up to one hour with a technical consultant.

PWM-4808 Digital Controller
The PWM-4808 is a compact and versatile controller built around the ATMega4808 microcontroller. Designed primarily for use in PWM and power control systems, this Arduino compatible controller can be used in your own custom projects or with our code as a control module for our compatible products.
Available on back-order

Vibration & Tilt Sensor Module
Compact Vibration sensor module for Arduino and other projects

AC-DC PSU Module (PCB Mounted) 24W
Small AC-DC PSUs for PCB mounting
Various voltages available
1 in stock

Up to one hour with a technical consultant.

PWM-4808 Digital Controller
The PWM-4808 is a compact and versatile controller built around the ATMega4808 microcontroller. Designed primarily for use in PWM and power control systems, this Arduino compatible controller can be used in your own custom projects or with our code as a control module for our compatible products.

Vibration & Tilt Sensor Module
Compact Vibration sensor module for Arduino and other projects

AC-DC PSU Module (PCB Mounted) 24W
Small AC-DC PSUs for PCB mounting
Various voltages available