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Electronic Particle Filter for Internal Combustion Engines

Particulate pollution from engines is very harmful to human health and the environment. Tiny particles can enter the body triggering a range of symptoms, causing diseases and exacerbating others.  Modern Diesel cars have a device known as a DPF (Diesel Particulate Filter) fitted. This is an expensive device that contains precious metals and requires regular maintenance to work effectively.

We have developed a new type of particulate filter that is significantly lower cost compared to a DPF, and can be retrofitted to any vehicle or generator. The technology can be scaled up and even be used on plant machinery and ships.

Our prototypes have been tested at a world leading testing facility at Bath University and have shown excellent results. We are now seeking investment in the project to bring the devices into production and to see them fitted to millions of vehicles and machines worldwide.

While it is inevitable that electric vehicles will become dominant in the future, this will take many years, and even longer for electric alternatives for larger machines and ships. This patented device will help to drastically cut the pollution caused by these engines and make the air safer to breathe.

Steady state tests conducted at various engine operating points across the speed and load range revealed soot reductions in the range of 63.7% to 83.9% and an average reduction across all operating points of 78%. Hot WLTC drive cycle tests demonstrated a significant reduction in particulate emissions throughout the cycle, typically in the range of 40-90% with an average reduction of 70%.  Particulate size and distribution tests showed that the device achieves consistent reduction efficiency across the particulate size range, with reductions in the region of 85 – 95%. Soot particle size was found to have very little impact on the soot reduction efficiency.

If you are interested in this technology, please contact us to discuss it further.

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